Champ de blé

Services prices

Duration Price
Energetic Massage 1 h 30 110 €
Extended Energetic Massage 2 hours 140 €
– special services   + 20 €
Individual session (no massage). Meditation, relaxation, breathing, personal growth. 45 mn 50 €
Meditation – group session, Wednesday evening (up to 6 people). 45 mn
– Price without subscription 20 €
– Subsciption ( 10 sessions card ) 180 €
Night rate: + €30 for any individual session ending after 21 heures
Check the schedule to know the availability of the next group sessions.
Allow about 15 minutes more set up or preparation in the proposed activities.

Increased rates for intervention at home.

In Paris or very near suburbs: €40
For all benefits: care, individual course, massage.

About home massage:

I no longer move for people who could come but simply do not want to do.
Outside massage visit rules 

  • I bring my oils and my massage outfit.
  • I do not bring a massage table.
  • You need to clear a suitable and clean place to receive your massage.
  • Also provide access to a sink or your bathroom. I like to be clean before I start, and I need to refresh myself after the massage.

 Other useful details

Nuages Bleus 1


Availability of Pascal at the Office of Paris Abbesses:

 The opening days of the cabinet are in white.
 Meditation sessions are marked with a red pellet.
 Exceptional opening days (white circle). See condition: 


Non-holiday days could be available for home visits.

Meditation group sessions (in french).

Beginners group: Wednesday evening at 6pm, soon.
Advanced group: Wednesday evening at 7pm

 These courses are in French only.
Groups are limited to 6 people.
Thank you to register in advance.

calendrier 1024 2503 en
calendrier 1024 2504 en