In one of the most pleasant neighborhoods of Paris, I welcome you in the 18th district, near the Sacred Heart, 1bis rue des Abbesses. The office is shared by other doctors and therapists. I receive you by appointment three days a week, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday.
How to come
When you are already in Paris or its suburbs, the journey remains fast with the metro and bus lines that crisscross the city.
The page How to come on this site gives more information.

Abbesses Métro Station
The ideal way is to get off as close as possible, at the “Abbesses” station on line 12 of the metro.
You’ll arrive at a small square and just need to walk down the street for a few dozen meters until you reach number 1BIS, about a 2-minute walk if you go slowly.
The station elevator was out of service during August 2017 until October 4th. During the modernization works, the 23.50 meters (75 feet) of elevation at this station turned into a vertical marathon of 181 steps counting from the platform. Of course, nothing stops you from doing it for the thrill, but since the office doesn’t have a shower, your feat might leave you sore and sweaty.
It’s better to aim for as much relaxation as possible to fully enjoy a massage or a meditation session instead.
Pigalle Métro Station
The “Pigalle” station isn’t too far, on metro lines 2 and 12. You just need to go up rue Houdon after crossing Boulevard de Clichy in the direction of the uphill climb, then turn right at the very end onto Rue des Abbesses. It’s about a 7-minute uphill walk.
I am waiting for you. See you soon…