News, days, hours, room.
Jun 11th 2024 Information, NewsSignificant changes have taken place at the office. These news now allow me to stay in Paris from Monday to Friday
New rates mid-June 2024
May 27th 2024 Information, MassageSmall increase starting from June 11. These new rates apply to massages, which increase by €10.
New one-hour massage “Tuning”
( Obsolete since March 31th 2023 )Oct 30th 2022 Knowledge, MassageFollowing several requests, I set up this one-hour massage. This will allow more people to discover my massage and its particular dimension.
Nouveau cours de méditation.
( Obsolete since August 1st 2023 )Mar 19th 2022 MéditationUn nouveau cours de méditation pour débutants est mis en place tous les mercredis à 18h30 à partir du 30 mars 2022. Il s’adresse aux débutants.
End of the loyalty program
Mar 10th 2022 MassageFrom mid-April, it will be the end of the loyalty program which allowed a discount of 30€ every 6th massage.
New prices from mid-June 2021
Jun 1st 2021 Information, MassageFrom June 15th, I will slightly increase my rates. It’ll be the first increase since the opening of my practice, four years ago.
Anti-virus and Vaccination
Mar 9th 2021 Information, NewsI have always been watchful to perfect hygiene in my practice. Today, I am going further to protect you: I am getting vaccinated against Covid-19. Vaccination is not mandatory for my customers.
Reopening and health precaution
Nov 25th 2020 Information, Massage, Meditation, NewsFinally: some services and shops may open on December 1st. This concerns me, with a strict sanitary protocol … as usual.
Activities Reopening
May 14th 2020 Information, NewsI decided to reopen massages on June 2. This keep enough time to observe the evolution of the health situation since the deconfinement of May 11.
Outside massage visit rules
Feb 16th 2020 Information, MassageI sometimes have requests for “home” or “outside” massages. It means that the massage does not take place in my office but in a place chosen by my client.