I’m concerned with the health protection of my clients, I have always been careful to have a perfect hygiene in my office and during my massage practice. Today, I go further: I get vaccinated against Covid-19.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, I had added only few things to my already full hygiene protocol
- A new virucidal product and wipes to clean the table between each client, with particular attention on the facial hole.
- Wearing a mask for everyone in the office common parts.
- A hydroalcoholic gel dispenser in the massage room for an additional precaution of disinfecting the hands and parts touched by the previous client.
- Your face is no longer massaged. our breaths being too close in this case. .
- If you want a glass of water, disposable cups are now available.
Since my last reopening at the beginning of December, I had completed this with a complete set of weekly PCR and serological tests at each beginning of weeks, even if it means canceling immediatly my appointments if these tests had shown contamination, or if one of my clients had informed me he would be a suspect case.
The only breaking of the rules of shielding measures was for me not to be able to massage with a mask. Managing my breath is indeed very important in my practice and a mask makes my energetic massage very difficult.
Because of this, I also allow my clients to remove their masks in the massage cabinet so that they can breathe freely, if they wish, of course. Since then, my regular tests have not detected any contamination, and negative serological tests show that I have never been exposed to the virus. These precautions are therefore effective.
To go further against the virus, I decided to get vaccinated . This is to avoid being myself a potential vector of contamination in case i’ll catch the disease.
Indeed, public transport, meeting other people in the office or in shops, do not protect me more than anyone.
Before the time the virus could be detected on weekly tests, I could spread it on to a small number of my clients.

To be really quiet, on your side as on mine, my vaccination seems to be a necessary action.
A personal approach
This is a personal decision. I don’t want to promote anyone to get vaccinated if they don’t want to. I am doing this to protect you, to make my practice safer for everyone.
This is not to proselytize or as part of pro-vaccination propaganda. Health authorities mainly take care of it and everyone is still free to make their own choices on this subject.
My precautions: Reminder
Apart from the new special precautions explained above, since the beginning of my practice, I have always taken care of the hygiene of my practice and the protection of my clients.
- the table is covered with a disposable medical sheet.
- the table is cleaned between each massage.
- the red towels used to regularly wipe my hands or the massaged are changed between each massage.
- the towels used to cover the body (white) are changed for each client.
- the cabinet is ventilated regularly.
- essential oils are diffused. For the pleasant smell but also for the sanitation of the room.
- I wash my hands, arms and body parts in contact with the patient with soap.
- I use a mouthwash to disinfect my oral cavity between each client.
All these measures have shown their efficiency. My vaccination enforces this, offering you a space of relaxation and tranquility, with the assurance not to risk your health in my office.
See you soon…